Saturday, May 20, 2006

Mothers Day

Mothers Day…starts differently for all of us. For some, it’s waiting in bed, faining sleep, whilst you can hear the pots and pans banging around in the kitchen, the smoke alarm going off with the waft of burnt toast filling the air, and your imagination going wild as to what is actually going on in there; and what awaits you afterwards! For others, it may be dinner out in a nice restaurant with roses and soft music. For some, a family picnic in the nearby park…or the hush of kid’s voices whispering the ‘surprise’, as they work hard on their hand-made cards and gifts, with ‘don’t look Mum’ and Mum trying hard not to ‘notice’ with a hidden smile on her face. Whichever way it is for us Mums, the sentiment is the same for all the mothers around the world…it’s the thought that counts.

I like Mothers Day better than my birthday, because I have a lot of kids, and as age is not a factor, no matter how old I get I will still be Mum. It's not the presents I receive that I like the most. It’s the chance to have all the kids gathered around and the sense of being appreciated. What I like also are the various expressions of this appreciation. It puts a smile on my face because each and every one from eldest to youngest, expresses it in their own unique and individual way.

My eldest daughter (18) writes a deep, meaningful letter 'reminding' me that I am appreciated and loved.

My eldest son (17) man of few words: Love ya Mum.

My second daughter (15) our ‘matter of fact – no nonsense’ teenager says:
Hey, Mum - Happy Mothers Day.

My third daughter (12) our artistic dramatist writes me a poem:

Mothers Day

Mothers are like angels that guide our way
Watching over us night and day
Her hugs are so tight, so we pull in the love
Her love is a gift from Heaven above
Her wings are like blankets that keep us warm
And has loved us all since we were born
Thank you Mum for being so great
And loving us all each and every day

My fourth daughter (10) is the all-inclusive one - she says:

Mothers Day

God made mothers to take care of their kids.
God made mothers ‘cause He loves them.
We all love our parents because they give us TLC.
God bless you Mum for we love you so much.
Happy Mothers Day to you and all the mothers in the world.
Love you.

My fifth daughter (5) painstakingly writes her name in her best handwriting, draws a love-heart and makes a card smothered in glitter, feathers and cotton balls.

Even, my toddler son (2) does his bit....a line with 3 swirly circles on it. A Wheel flower, I think. My little son loves wheels.

Thank you kids, for being YOU. I love you heaps.

And the chocolates, ah the chocolates!..... and coffee too, with hugs all round - now that’s Mothers Day. :-)

Copyright 2006. Rebecca Laklem.


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