Saturday, June 06, 2009

What Makes a Superhero a Superhero?

Master Five is typical of boys his age. He has an unfaltering interest in all superheroes whether they be Superman, Spiderman, Batman, Power Rangers or some other made up human-creature such as Wolverine, or the Incredible Hulk.

So what does a man who wears his underpants on the outside, sporting a cape and disguises himself with a mere pair of specs; a guy who was bitten by a radioactive spider and suddenly becomes one; a caped crusader who does nothing much except hides away in a cave and behind a mask; a bunch of idiots dressed up in bug-like suits who can’t even fight properly; a man who endures torture resulting in metal ‘claws’ coming out of his hands; and last but not least a big green giant who looks like some alien creature and who is in desperate need of anger management, have to entice young ones like my son to want to mimic them I wonder?

Do these make-believe characters really enhance children’s imaginations? I am inclined to think not. To me it appears that it teaches them downright stupidity at best.

The result, the kid starts wearing the same outfit for weeks on end; climbs all over the furniture, some being dangerously high; jumps down the stairs several steps at a time; thinks he can fly because he can leap from the dresser to the bed; running at break-neck speed through the house or down the hallway. My brother when he was my son’s age even attempted to jump from the garage roof to see if his caped crusader’s cape could really make him fly – of course it didn’t.

As safety-conscious parents who genuinely don’t want their child to get hurt, we respond in a common-sense like manner to the mere stupidity as: Setting new rules – “You are only allowed to be SUPERMAN on the ground floor, upstairs you are CLARK KENT understood?” You lock all upstairs balcony doors. You keep a watchful vigil on your little man when he nears the stairwell and banisters; and you try to convince your child he can only really fly in an aeroplane. Now who’s the fool here?

While the TVs, supermarkets, newsagencies, bookstores and movie theatres are blaring with these fanciful, intelligence- insulting bimbos there still hails unsung heroes like police officers, fire fighters, doctors, nurses, teachers, airline pilots, soldiers, naval officers, pastors and humanitarian workers….the list is endless…. even their own Mums and Dads. Whatever happened to “My Daddy is better than your Daddy” “My Daddy is…..My Daddy can.” My Mummy is….My Mummy can”.

Anyone who loves, protects and provides in the best interests of their families and goes that extra mile to help others are in my books, heroes. Here’s to SuperMum and SuperDad! And to all those other real heroes out there…..Cheers!

Copyright 2009. Rebecca Laklem.